Season 3, Episode 6: Arthur Train and the Isle of Mount Deserted…

Air Date: April 7, 2022
Host: Jenna Jandreau

Jenna Jandreau presents an apocalyptic prophecy written by Arthur Train, published in the Bar Harbor Record in 1907, and reprinted in full in the upcoming edition of Chebacco. Train predicts that, after residents vote to allow automobiles onto the island, MDI's cottagers move away, Bass Harbor becomes the island's hub, automobile billboards pock local mountains, and much more.

Season Three of Chebacco Chats explores the theme of this year's Chebacco, Volume XXIII: Imagining What If...?

What if Arthur Train's prophecies had come to pass? Have some of them become "the way it is" already?

About Arthur Train

Arthur Train (1875-1945) was a lawyer and writer of legal thrillers. During the Auto Wars of MDI, Train advocated for keeping the island free of automobiles, and published a short story in the Bar Harbor Record in 1907 that predicted heinous results should residents vote to allow “buz buggies” to ruin its peacefulness and charm.

Chebacco articles about the Auto Wars:
From Horses to Horsepower: Mount Desert Island’s Ten-Year War for the Automobile, by Bill Horner, MD, 2013.

Chebacco Chats about the Auto Wars:
No. 37: MDI Car Crises with Raney Bench and Bill Horner, MD


Season 3, Episode 7: Boston Dreams: A Beginning, Middle and End


Season 3, Episode 5: Ralph Stanley: Citizen Historian, Lifelong Learner